Phone: 830-832-1509 | Seguin, Texas

Compassionate Christian Counseling to help you and your family navigate life's obstacles with God's Word.
Phone: 830-832-1509 | Seguin, Texas
Compassionate Christian Counseling to help you and your family navigate life's obstacles with God's Word.
The Agape Counseling Center provides Faith Based Counseling for Individual, Families, Couples and Marriages with a focus on Christian faith.
A Christian healthy marriage makes everything easier, but a struggling marriage makes everything more complicated. Marriage isn’t the end all-be all to have a happy life, but a good marriage helps life to be less stressful.
With all the unavoidable pressures of kids, finances, career goals, pursuing a healthy lifestyle, household responsibilities, and busy schedules, God desires your marriage to be a solid, secure, and supportive safe place to land with your soul-mate at the end of the day.
trauma, alcohol, substance abuse biblical counseling
Drug and alcohol addiction impacts the quality of life of those experiencing it. Relationships, employment and health are just a few areas that substance use can affect.
By addressing the source of negative or irrational beliefs, clients learn strategies to overcome them and improve the quality of their lives.
More Information:
Court Ordered Alcohol and Drug Programs
biblical counseling trauma, alcohol, substance abuse
Many adults and youth suffer from a variety of issues stemming from the continuous changes in family structure, cultural demands, work dynamics, spiritual distress and the increasing stressors of a rapidly changing and unpredictable world. These issues contribute to an array of problems associated with anger, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, trauma, CPTSD, interpersonal and business relationships, and body image, as well as family and social difficulties.
christian counselling alcohol, drug and trauma
Throughout Scripture we see the Holy Spirit’s active presence. Jesus declared that he had to leave so that the Helper could come; therefore, it should be of the upmost importance in our counseling and pastoral ministry to approach and deal well with the Holy Spirit. Outpatient and Christian Counseling for addiction
In John 14:15-26, Jesus brings clarity to the presence of the Holy Spirit and how he will direct us. In verse 16 Jesus introduces the role of the Holy Spirit as our Helper. You could say the Spirit is the big ‘C’ Counselor. He provides assistance, support, relief, advocacy, and guidance
faith based alcohol, addiction intensive outpatient and day treatment christian counselling alcohol, drug and trauma
Even when faith is strong, Christians encounter difficulties and challenges. Sometimes these obstacles can test your core beliefs and make you doubt your day-to-day choices. The Agape Center provides quality Christian Counseling, helping you to re-evaluate your anxieties, frustrations and disappointments from a deeper spiritual perspective. Christian-based counseling combines effective counseling methods with Christian values.
trauma, alcohol, substance abuse biblical counseling
God invites His people to pray to Him. According to the Bible, the power of prayer is quite simply the power of God, for it is God who hears and answers prayer. The power of prayer should not be underestimated. Luke 1:37 tells us that God can do all things and that nothing is impossible for Him. Although Scripture gives us instructions on how to pray, the “results” of prayer are not ultimately effected by the person who prays. Rather, the power of prayer comes from God who encourages us to pray. 1 John 5: 14-15 tells us:
faith based alcohol, addiction intensive outpatient and day treatment alcohol, drug and trauma christian counselling
Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV)
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) reflects the ability to adapt effectively to stress and environmental demands.
Learn self-regulation techniques and emotional management to neutralize and replace stressful emotions, improve your emotional resilience, and work on resetting old patterns, as you view and track your heart activity and move towards coherence.
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